Innovative Interaction for Education

Maximize the Effects of Education and the Metaverse

Virtual and extended reality is being increasingly used in educational environments to enhance learning and allow students to experience visual learning in ways they never could before.

From student learning to training and assessments, more companies and institutions are adopting these technologies, but input solutions are failing to keep pace. Students must struggle to navigate these systems using traditional keyboards, controllers or hand tracking devices that take them out of the immersion, breaking concentration and causing frustration. TapXR is the first input solution that is eyes-free, does not cause fatigue with long periods of use, and is usable in any environment.

Easily Learn, Progress through Lessons, and Measure Knowledge with TapXR

The TapXR is able to detect a user tapping on any surface. When the wearer activates a tap, the associated command is sent to a connected device via bluetooth.

Commands can be customized to meet the needs of a specific syllabus or experience. Here are some examples of what TapXR can activate to help improve learning:

  • Move Lessons Forward or Backwards
  • Select Answers
  • Quickly Input Notes into Any Program
  • Control Learning Presentations to
  • Play, Pause, Rewind, Etc.
  • Navigate and Move Through Menus
  • Control Visual Learning Aids
  • Interact with Content
  • Participate in Conversations with Educators and Vice Versa

Empowering Experiential Learning

VR can empower learning and create experiences that would otherwise be unattainable for many students.

However, limiting these experiences with traditional input methods takes away from the potential of this process. The TapXR truly empowers students to focus on the process and not worry about burnout, typing errors or requiring a full desk setup.


Frequently Asked Questions

The excitement around TapXR is huge, here are some common questions we get
1How Does TapXR Know What Commands I am Doing?
TapXR uses a combination of motion and visual sensors and AI to accurately detect finger taps.
2Does TapXR Store Any of My Tapping or Personal Data?
No. We don’t record or store any of your behavior or typing. The visual sensors within TapXR also do not store any data.
3Will the TapXR work with my Quest/Quest 2/Etc?
TapXR will work with any VR/AR/XR headset that supports bluetooth 4.0+ pairing, this includes the Meta Quest, Hololens, Vive and many more. If you are unsure, please check your device manual for Bluetooth information.
4Which TapXR size is right for me?
The large TapXR fits a wrist circumference of 16CM (6 and 1/4 inches) and up. Below that is a size small.
5If I order now - when will I get my unit?
Production for the TapXR is happening now. We expect to ship the first units in Q1 of 2023 or sooner!
6Can I buy Tap on Amazon?
TapXR is only available to pre order at the moment. Tap Strap 2 (the finger wearable) is available to purchase on Amazon.